Thursday, September 30, 2010

La Libertad Electronica

Chile has decided to implement net neutrality. Has Chile really thought this through? Any person allowed any content? Though the restrictions in China a super extreme, I think there is a balance for society that needs to happen here. I would like to be able to freely access the plethora of information on the web, especially without ISP restrictions, however, as a parent, I can see the necessity to set up some boundaries in such a widely available medium. I would need to see Chile's plan to support this idea before I could make a final decision.

Lo que sera, ojala que funcione muy bien para la gente de Chile aunque yo creo que no lo funcione en EEUU. Por ejemplo, el gobierna quiere pasar una ley en que los ISPs no dejan que los usarios ven algunos websitios. Pero ves este articulo.

1 comment:

  1. "ACLU: Net neutrality needed to keep ISP "wolves" at bay"
